Presenting multiple stimuli in parallel and getting mouse response

@dcnieho @Ian-Max-Andolina I have a couple of doubt regarding my question which is about uploading multiple images and presenting them in parallel.
1.So here i’m trying to present three images of continents in parallel, one of which the user can click on to view few countries from the corresponding Continent. I’m unable to present multiple images because I’m not sure how to define destination for each texture with the screen function for the corresponding images. now the code which i tried just displays one picture in the top right corner. I want all three pictures to form a row in the middle of the screen, with one picture in the middle and other two on either side.
2. how to define the mouse response, such that if the user clicks on any of Continent, it will lead to presentation of three more images of countries within that Continent.
p.s i’m a beginner, so any ideas on how to implement this will be helpful.
the code so far is ,
close all
clear all

%finding screen

%creating screen
%opening window with black screen

%uploading images from the folder
Stimulifolder=([‘C:\Users\RAMPRIYADARSHNI\Desktop’ filesep ‘agency experiment’ filesep ‘southamerica’]);
% C2=imread([Stimulifolder ‘africa.png’]);
% C3=imread([Stimulifolder ‘europe.png’]);

%opening window
[window, windowRect]=PsychImaging(‘Openwindow’,screenNumber,black);

%converting C1 image into texture and presenting it
imageTexture = Screen(‘MakeTexture’, window,C1);
Screen(‘DrawTexture’, window, imageTexture,[],[200 200 600 600]);
Screen(‘Flip’, window);
