10-bit performance of ATI Radeon 7000

dear ben & doug

i bought a radeon 7000, a retail pci card, from ati and gave it a
thorough work out. there are problems, which i've detailed in two
letters to ATI, and cc-ed to the forum.

the radeon 7000 uses the LOW gamma bits, despite being, i presume a
"second generation" card.

we could work around the driver anomalies i reported to ATI, but it's
pretty ugly. you can't completely hide them from the user. so i hope
ATI will come through with a fix. with that i'd be prepared to
recommend widespread adoption at $130 each, since it has been a long
standing obstacle to vision research that off-the-shelf hardware
couldn't produce threshold stimuli.

release 2.5 will be out just as soon as Allen can package it and get
it on the web. You'll be interested in LoadClut and GammaTest.
GammaTest does a thorough write vs read test of the driver at with 8
and 10 bit gamma tables (or any depth you care to test).

