AcquireAIO available

A preliminary version of AcquireAIO is available from my web site
<>. The new
version uses NI-DAQ 6.6.1 and supports all the Mac cards that LabView
supports, which is quite a few. I've only tested it on one so far
(the PCI-MIO-16XE-50). So far so good. There's a PCI-1200 and maybe
another ADC card or two around here to test.

AcquireAIO can digitize multiple channels (if your card supports it)
as close together in time as is possible for your hardware, at a
sample rate you provide. It digitizes for you in the background while
you do other things with MATLAB and the results are in a vector you
can watch fill up before your very eyes (if you gave it a really slow
sample rate :) ).

Any feedback you can provide would be great! Thanks.


Benjamin D. Singer, PhD
Research Associate and Programmer
Center for Visual Science
University of Rochester