We wish to make 2 overlayed circular sinusoidal gratings on Windows XP, using PTB 2.0, one grating larger than the other.
When the 2 gratings are displayed, it seems that parts of the inner grating would mask the outer grating, as shown in the picture.
Can anyone help me to solve this problem? I’d really appreciate it.
That’s not possible, but if you look at the “Versions” section of our website you should be able to find a Psychtoolbox-3 version that does this (DriftDemo2.m/3.m/4.m… one of them demonstrates this) and still works on WindowsXP. Ofc. no support for such old software, and it is a bit crazy that somebody would still use WinXP now - hopefully not connected to any network anymore, given the security implications.
Thank you very much. I’ve seen the demos in PTB 3 and think they are very helpful in clearly demonstrating the usage of the alpha blending features. Too bad that it doesn’t work on the old version, we would turn to the new version soon.