Animation in Windows

Hi all,

I am running MATLAB Version 6.0(R12) and Psychtoolbox version 2.5 on
a Win98 machine. My processor is a Pentium II 300MHZ, with 128Mb RAM.

I want to create animation using the Psychtoolbox. Basically, I want
to create a shaded circle (using 'FillArc') and I want this image to
rotate at different speeds on the screen.

The procedure I followed is standard (same as that shown in
MovieDemo.m). i.e I assign an OffScreenWindow of size [0 0 200 200]
and then create the images of the circle at various points inside
this OffScreenWindow. I then playback this sequence using 'Rush'
and 'Prioritylevel'.

My questions :

1. Have I understood the concept of OffScreenWindow right ? i.e do I
have to create my entire animation sequence within the limits of the
[0 0 200 200] window ?

2. If so, then I am very much limited by memory, because the moment I
try to increase the size of this beyond 200, the program stops

3. Can I try this approach -> When I am creating the images of this
circle at different points, can I store EACH of the images into a
SEPARATE OffScreenWindow (as opposed to ONE OffScreen Window in
MoviveDemo.m), whose co-ordinates would be exactly that of the circle
itself ? In this way, I won't be limited to creating animations in
the 200x200 box. Instead, I can show each OffScreenWindow at
different positions and acieve the deisred animation.

Please let me know if I have made myself clear. Here's the core
portion of the code, if that helps :

%Generate co-ordinates of the circluar path
angle = linspace(0,2*pi,200);
x = 50*cos(angle);
y = 50*sin(angle);

%Create 200 images of the circle at different positions of this
%circluar path
for i=1:200
r=[20+x(i) 20+y(i) 50+x(i) 50+y(i)];

% Show the movie
loop = {
'for i=1:speed:200'
' rect2=[20+x1+x(i) 20+y1+y(i) 50+x1+x(i) 50+y1+y(i)];'
% x1 = 400, y1 = 260 -> To get the result on the center of the screen
' rect = rect2 - [x1 y1 x1 y1];'
' Screen(''CopyWindow'',w(i),window,rect,rect2);'
' Screen(window,''WaitBlanking'');'
' Screen(window,''FillRect'',white,rect2);'
' Screen(w(i),''Close'');'



Thanks a lot,
