Hi, I am drawing ellipses to a display monitor. Currently I am using Screen('DrawOval'...) to accomplish this.
That part works fine, but I'd like to apply a Gaussian blur to the ellipses, so that they are displayed with soft, rather than hard, edges. Code is below, and can be run to display a hard-edged oval. All I need is to soften the dang edges, ideally with a Gaussian blur!
Any ideas? Thank you!
%% Prep Screen
gray = [171, 171, 171];
Screen('Preference', 'SkipSyncTests', 0);
[theWindow,theRect]=Screen('OpenWindow',whichScreen, gray, [0 0 800 600]);
%% Screen Locations
wid = 120;
heit = 120;
halfwid = .5*wid;
halfheit = .5*heit;
[XC, YC] = RectCenter(theRect);
Loc1 = [XC-halfwid, YC - halfheit, XC + halfwid, YC + halfheit];
%% Display Shape
Screen('FrameOval', theWindow, [130 130 130], [Loc1], 10); % This is the shape I want to have soft edges
Screen('Flip', theWindow);
close 'all';