Audio timing problems


I'm programming an experiment which includes audio and visual stimuli.
I've programmed the visual aspect - randomised pictures displayed for
90 ms each. Now I have to find a way to encorporate the audio. I need
to play the audio stimuli asynchronously, but the beginning of such
stimuli must correspond to the beginning of a picture. I've tried
using the Snd mex file, but I'm having problems - it makes a loud
sound and then doesn't play for a while. I've also tried using the
Matlab audioplayer, which works quite well, but I find that after a
about a minute, I get a delay in the pictures display (misses a
refresh), ever 10 pictures or so (every 900 ms).
Timing is of utmost importance to me - delays above 5 ms are very
problematic, especially so often.
I'm not sure if the problem lies in the functions, or in the driver,
or the OS. I'm working on Matlab 7 on Windows XP, and my sound card is
a RealTeck AC'97 Audio.

Here is the bit of code which displays the stimuli. This is just a
test - which is why I used one of Window's wav files to play around with.

% configure sound
[y, f, nbits] = wavread('C:\WINDOWS\Media\Windows XP Menu Command.wav');
player = audioplayer(y,f,nbits);

%%%%%%%%% DISPLAY OF PICTURES %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%


% display distractors and targets
for j = 1:length(trial)
Screen('CopyWindow',winarray(trial(j)),window); %copy buffer
window to screen
t1(j,1) = time; %get timing
wait(ontime); %wait ontime
t2(j,1) = time;%get timing
if(offtime ~= 0)
Screen(window,'FillRect',white, rect); %fill window with empty
white block
t3(j,1) = time; %get timing
wait(offtime); %wait offtime
t4 (j,1) = time; %get timing


I'd appreciate any insight on the matter, since I'm not very familiar
with programming realtime audio.

Thanks very much,