Bug in screentest for Win

Bug report:

I am running the PsychToolbox version 2.54 in Windows XP, under Matlab 6.5,
using two video cards. When I try to run screentest I get a window
announcing a debug error in Screen.dll ("Run-Time Check Failure #3 - The
varaible 'accIndex' is being used without being defined"). The options
Abort/Retry/Ignore all lead to failure.



Matteo Carandini, PhD
Smith-Kettlewell Eye Research Institute
2318 Fillmore St, San Francisco, CA 94115
+1 415 345 2129 / 8455 (FAX)
Dear Matteo,

Both you and someone who's name I do not recognize from the email
address, merriamep@..., reported bugs in the Win 2.54
Psychtoolbox. I'd planned to fix three of those this weekend,
Saturday. I am sure I have fixed the WaitSecs bug. I am also pretty
sure that I fixed the bug causing the error message about "accIndex" .
I could not reproduce the bug here, but I have repaired what looked to
be the problem in the source. That bug had to do with how Screen
'PixeSizes' probed the available pixel sizes. Because the values
returned depend on the video board, it looked like that the bug would
register with some cards (yours) and not others (mine). The last
bug, the problem with reporting the directX version as 0.0, remains
and I am bumping that back to next weekend.

You can get the new versions of Screen and WaitSecs from here:


There is also a new test included, WaitSecsTest, which checks for that
WaitSecs bug.



On Mar 8, 2004, at 12:26 PM, Matteo Carandini wrote:

> Bug report:
> I am running the PsychToolbox version 2.54 in Windows XP, under Matlab
> 6.5,
> using two video cards. When I try to run screentest I get a window
> announcing a debug error in Screen.dll ("Run-Time Check Failure #3 -
> The
> varaible 'accIndex' is being used without being defined"). The options
> Abort/Retry/Ignore all lead to failure.
> Cheers
> -Matteo
> Matteo Carandini, PhD
> www.ski.org/carandini
> Smith-Kettlewell Eye Research Institute
> 2318 Fillmore St, San Francisco, CA 94115
> +1 415 345 2129 / 8455 (FAX)

From: merriamep@...
Subject: [psychtoolbox] Win ver 2.54: WaitSecs and non-integers
Date: March 8, 2004 2:39:37 PM EST
To: psychtoolbox@yahoogroups.com
Reply-To: psychtoolbox@yahoogroups.com

> Hi Allen et al.,
> I've just downloaded the new Win PT (ver 2.54) and there seems to be a
> bug in WaitSecs. It doesn't seem to work for non-integer values:
> %% testing integer value
> a = getsecs;
> waitsecs(1.0);
> b = getsecs;
> time = b-a
> time = 1.0032
> %% testing non-integer value
> a = getsecs;
> waitsecs(1.9);
> b = getsecs;
> time = b-a
> time = 0.0032
> Note that this works fine using PT ver 2.50 on my computer (Win XP,
> Matlab 6.5.1):
> %% testing integer value
> a = getsecs;
> waitsecs(1.0);
> b = getsecs;
> time = b-a
> time = 1.0112
> %% testing non-integer value
> a = getsecs;
> waitsecs(1.9);
> b = getsecs;
> time = b-a
> time = 1.9040