compiling error (MEX-file)


I am encountering a problem trying to MATLAB compile a stimuli presentation program. It works when it run it off MATLAB, but when I try to compile it I encounter an error (please see the attached build.log file and below for the specific error on MATLAB):

The file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\MATLAB\toolbox\ Psychtoolbox\PsychHardware\ BrightSideDisplay\ BrightSideCore.mexw32' appears to be a MEX-file. It shadows the M-file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\MATLAB\toolbox\ Psychtoolbox\PsychHardware\ BrightSideDisplay\ BrightSideCore.m' but will not execute properly at runtime, as it does not export a function named 'mexFunction.'

I have tried compiling it on 2 different desktops and a laptop (running on MATLAB 2009b and PTB-3 in Windows 7) but I still get the same problem.

I have looked extensively on forums and online and have tried some workarounds suggested. I have done the following but the problem still remains:
1) One suggestion was to delete the 'mexw32' file (section 4.3.4 of toolbox/node006.html#227582464 ). While doing this allowed me to compile the code into a standalone exe, the executable crashes when I run it.
2) I did a search on MATLAB/PTB documentation for 'BrightSide' ( BrightSideDisplay) and found the following documentation ( BSRuntimeLibs) that instruct me to install library files from a company called BrightSide Technologies (MATLAB and Psychtoolbox cannot provide the files due to licencing issues). However, while I could locate most of these files online and from the computer, the first 2 files cannot be located (GL_OutputLibrary.dll and CoreLibrary_GL.dll). Upon further research I have come to the conclusion that Bright Side Technologies has since been overtaken by Dolby, so the files do not exist anymore.

I have looked everywhere to get a better understanding of the problem with no success and I am at a loss. I also ran 'PerceptualVBLSyncTest' and 'VBLSyncTest' on MATLAB but could not see any issues. As this type of compiling error is beyond my skills, I would like to seek your technical expertise to help resolve this issue. Any assistance would be much appreciated.
