As mentioned in the PTB documentation, Psychtoolbox does not appear to be able to distinguish between different keyboards when using functions like kbWait, kbCheck, for Windows like it can for Linux. Is there any kind of workaround for this in Windows where, if I have the laptop keyboard and external keyboard both as keyboard devices, I can listen to inputs from only one of the with kbWait?
I’m running this on a Windows 10 machine with PTB Version 3.0.16 and MATLAB version 2019b.
Because Linux is a superior operating system if you need reliability, performance, accuracy and flexibility for more unusual use cases. It was easy and painless enough to implement it. On Windows, this is painful.
There is one theoretical approach how one could try to get this functionality, discussed here:
Note the lack of any progress since the proposal in over three years though.
However, due to additional constraints and obstacles imposed on us by Matlab, Octave (or likely Python, in case of PsychHID for Python) it doesn’t have a great a priori chance of success and would require a substantial redesign of our Windows input handling to even try – and probably fail.
If you wanted to spend a few ten-thousand Euros to finance a couple of hundred work hours for me to try implementing it sometime next year, with no guarantee of success, your money is welcome. Otherwise the fastest and cheapest answer to high quality and more pain free neuroscience data collection is almost always “Upgrade to Linux”.