Driver for 1208-FS?

I am looking for a driver for this box to run on a MAC with psychtoolbox

help Daq, help DaqFunctions. Help texts may be a bit out of date.

Hi Mario,
The device USB-1208FS is recognizable with a PC, Windows 10.
However, it doesn’t work on a latest model of macbook, which needs thunderbolt to usb adapter for connection. PsychHIDDAQS doesn’t show the device id.

Strange. I’d expect a USB port from a TB to USB adapter to behave exactly the same as a builtin USB port, unless Apples macOS USB stack is really broken, or that adapter is somehow unsupported by macOS? Apple Silicon Mac? I read the Apple M1/M2 SoC’s have somehow quite limited/deficient/non-standard PCIe support, compared to Intel Macs or normal PC’s - one of the reasons why it is apparently impossible or difficult to get PCIe graphics cards working at all even on the new Apple Silicon MacPro’s.

So PsychHID('Devices') doesn’t report USB devices at all?

But then ofc. using an Apple Silicon Mac for any real data collection would be quite pointless anyway, given that visual stimulation is broken on these SoC’s anyway, and there are other limitations.