dual display under OS X


I'm new to PTB, and I'd like to use it to drive two monitors
synchronously, yet independently, with precise timing under OS X (i.e.
both monitors will be presenting different stimuli). I've read
through as much information as I could, but it's still unclear to me
whether this is possible with a single graphics card with two outputs
(I have a GeForce4MX on a G4 running OS X 10.3.9). Does anyone have
any experience with this? A previous thread said that mirroring is
absolutely necessary under OS X, but mirroring obviously doesn't allow
independence of the monitors. I tried writing some sample code to
test this, and it didn't work correctly, but it was probably something
I'm doing wrong. If anyone who has experience with this could give me
some advice, I'd greatly appreciate it.

thank you very much,


Lucas L. Sjulson
Cornell/Rockefeller/Sloan-Kettering MD/PhD Program
Laboratory of Neural Systems (Miesenboeck Lab)
Yale University School of Medicine
295 Congress Avenue, Rm # 247
New Haven, CT 06519-1418
(203) 785-2311