Error using DrawTexture


I'm having trouble with a script when trying to use DrawTexture.

I keep getting the error message below:

displaycommand = Screen('DrawTexture',w,imagetex(i),[],pRect{i});

Error in function DrawTexture: Invalid Window (or Texture) Index provided: It doesn't correspond to an open window or texture.
Did you close it accidentally via Screen('Close') or Screen('CloseAll') ?
??? Error using ==> Screen

Screen('DrawTexture', windowPointer, texturePointer [,sourceRect] [,destinationRect] [,rotationAngle] [,
filterMode] [, globalAlpha] [, modulateColor] [, textureShader] [, specialFlags] [, auxParameters]);

Error in ==> MSS_test at 654

Nowhere in the script is there a Screen('Close').

Here is the script I think the error message is referring to :

% setup text to be displayed (as written, will center text and
% wrap at default_wrap pixels)
displaycommand = sprintf('DrawFormattedText_new(w,stFile{i},''center'', ''center'',black, default_wrap,hshift(i),vshift(i));');

elseif st(i) == 's' %primary stimulus is sound
eval(bg_display); %present the background file while sound is playing

t1 = GetSecs;

% Open the default audio device [], with default mode [] (==Only playback),
% and a required latencyclass of zero 0 == no low-latency mode, as well as
% a frequency of stSoundList{i,2} = fs, and nrchannels sound channels.
% This returns a handle to the audio device:
pahandle = PsychPortAudio('Open', [], [], 1, stSoundList{i,2},nrchannels);

% Fill the audio playback buffer with the audio data 'stSoundList{i,1} = x from above':
PsychPortAudio('FillBuffer', pahandle, stSoundList{i,1}');
t2 = GetSecs;

fprintf( 'It took %f seconds to open PsychPortAudio and fill the buffer in iteration %d\n',t2-t1,i);

% Start audio playback for 'repetitions' repetitions of the sound data,
% start it immediately (0) and wait for the playback to start, return onset
% timestamp.
t1 = PsychPortAudio('Start', pahandle, rep(i), 0, 1);
onset(i) = t1 - experiment_start_time; %sound onset
sound_closed = 0;

displaycommand = bg_display; %For sound, foreground and background images are same

elseif st(i) == 'p' %primary stimulus is a picture
displaycommand = sprintf('Screen(''DrawTexture'',w,imagetex(i),[],pRect{i});');
end; % if st(i)

fprintf('\ni= %d,\nst(i) = %c\n',i, st(i));
fprintf('displaycommand = %s\n\n',displaycommand);

%Put stimuli on screen

t1 = GetSecs;
t2 = GetSecs;
fprintf('We needed %f seconds to Draw texture %d.\n',t2-t1,i)

Also, I am using a Windows 7 machine with Matlab 2009b in 32-bit and Psychtoolbox 3.

Any help is appreciated.

you need to use Screen('MakeTexture') to create the texture before drawing it. See Screen'MakeTexture?') for help

On Sat, Aug 17, 2013 at 3:13 AM, soniakrol <soniakrol@...> wrote:


I'm having trouble with a script when trying to use DrawTexture.

I keep getting the error message below:

displaycommand = Screen('DrawTexture',w,imagetex(i),[],pRect{i});

Error in function DrawTexture: Invalid Window (or Texture) Index provided: It doesn't correspond to an open window or texture.
Did you close it accidentally via Screen('Close') or Screen('CloseAll') ?
??? Error using ==> Screen

Screen('DrawTexture', windowPointer, texturePointer [,sourceRect] [,destinationRect] [,rotationAngle] [,
filterMode] [, globalAlpha] [, modulateColor] [, textureShader] [, specialFlags] [, auxParameters]);

Error in ==> MSS_test at 654

Nowhere in the script is there a Screen('Close').

Here is the script I think the error message is referring to :

% setup text to be displayed (as written, will center text and
% wrap at default_wrap pixels)
displaycommand = sprintf('DrawFormattedText_new(w,stFile{i},''center'', ''center'',black, default_wrap,hshift(i),vshift(i));');

elseif st(i) == 's' %primary stimulus is sound
eval(bg_display); %present the background file while sound is playing

t1 = GetSecs;

% Open the default audio device [], with default mode [] (==Only playback),
% and a required latencyclass of zero 0 == no low-latency mode, as well as
% a frequency of stSoundList{i,2} = fs, and nrchannels sound channels.
% This returns a handle to the audio device:
pahandle = PsychPortAudio('Open', [], [], 1, stSoundList{i,2},nrchannels);

% Fill the audio playback buffer with the audio data 'stSoundList{i,1} = x from above':
PsychPortAudio('FillBuffer', pahandle, stSoundList{i,1}');
t2 = GetSecs;

fprintf( 'It took %f seconds to open PsychPortAudio and fill the buffer in iteration %d\n',t2-t1,i);

% Start audio playback for 'repetitions' repetitions of the sound data,
% start it immediately (0) and wait for the playback to start, return onset
% timestamp.
t1 = PsychPortAudio('Start', pahandle, rep(i), 0, 1);
onset(i) = t1 - experiment_start_time; %sound onset
sound_closed = 0;

displaycommand = bg_display; %For sound, foreground and background images are same

elseif st(i) == 'p' %primary stimulus is a picture
displaycommand = sprintf('Screen(''DrawTexture'',w,imagetex(i),[],pRect{i});');
end; % if st(i)

fprintf('\ni= %d,\nst(i) = %c\n',i, st(i));
fprintf('displaycommand = %s\n\n',displaycommand);

%Put stimuli on screen

t1 = GetSecs;
t2 = GetSecs;
fprintf('We needed %f seconds to Draw texture %d.\n',t2-t1,i)

Also, I am using a Windows 7 machine with Matlab 2009b in 32-bit and Psychtoolbox 3.

Any help is appreciated.
