

is there a possibility to change the colors within the calibration
step. Normally there is a white screen with a black circle.

I would like to have a grey screen with a dark circle.

The paradigm I have made is based on the Gaze contingent demo and uses
the same code for stimulus presentation. I made a mouse controlled
version first which works well, and I?m now attempting to implement an
eyetracking element. Here?s the problem I am running into, if I use
?EyelinkDoTrackerSetup? the whole paradigm falls apart. The stimulus
that I am using appears as only the clear layer (see
konijntjes1024x768.jpg) when it should only be showing a small window
of the clear picture masked by a blurred version. At the end of each
trial I have also set up a keyboard response, and when I do not use
?EyelinkDoTrackerSetup? the trail pauses and waits for the keyboard
input, but when I do the tracker setup it completely passes this point
on the first trial and somehow works on the second. I?m stumped as to
what?s going on and would really appreciate some input.
Thanks so much,
Erik Arnold