Hello Mario
(tried sending via yahoo groups but doesnt send the message….)
here the conversation:
I have uploaded to the latest version of PTB and use matlab R2015b. Then the serial port is in form of LTP1.
I have downloaded the ltpread
function and followed steps in: https://github.com/Psychtoolbox-3/Psychtoolbox-3/wiki/FAQ:-TTL-Triggers-in-Windows
I tried something like:
lptread(888), without MR sending anything yet.
lptread(888) = 1
that creates a vector "lptread" 1x888
My aim is to have a waiting time until MR sends the first trigger that lptread may get, as:
lptread(888) = 1
that creates a vector "lptread" 1x888
My aim is to have a waiting time until MR sends the first trigger that lptread may get, as:
pulse = find(lptread(888));
waitfor (pulse)
but I dont see things work fine with this methods.
Ignacio Obeso, Ph.D.
Ignacio Obeso, Ph.D.
CINAC - HM Puerta del Sur
San Pablo-CEU University
Madrid, Spain