Fwd: [visionlist] Buyers for expensive projector with 768 graylevels?

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From: Jenny Read <J.C.A.Read@...>
Date: April 13, 2007 9:38:59 AM EDT
Subject: [visionlist] Buyers for expensive projector with 768 graylevels?

Calling anyone who might be interested in buying a high-end monochrome projector with 768 graylevels.

I'm upgrading my rear-projection system, and looking at single-chip DLP F2 projectors from ProjectionDesign (http://www.projectiondesign.com/Default.asp?CatID=1522). Since I don't use color in my experiments, I'm exploring whether ProjectionDesign could supply a customised version of this projector with a clear colour wheel. This would give me 3x256=768 graylevels, as well as eliminating any "rainbow effect".

Uncustomised, these projectors cost around $16k each, and I'm afraid any customisation just for me will be prohibitively expensive. However, I thought I might be able to convince ProjectionDesign that there could be a scientific market for such a product. If you would potentially be interested in buying one or more such projectors for use in your experiments, please let me know, along with how many you would buy.


Jenny Read Office: +44 191 222 7559
Royal Society University Research Fellow Mobile: +44 794 401 5796
Henry Wellcome Building for Neuroecology, Fax: +44 191 222 5622
University of Newcastle, Framlington Place mailto:J.C.A.Read@...
Newcastle upon Tyne, NE2 4HH, UK. http://www.staff.ncl.ac.uk/j.c.a.read

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