GetChar MATLAB 32bits


I am currently using a 32 bits computer with a 32 bits MATLAB 2010 version. 

I do have a problem with the function 'Ask' probably because it involves 'Getchar'. I have tried several things in order to fix the problem, but none of them worked.

1- I have installed Gstreamer (but not the latest version, the one requires considering my 32 bits computer)

2- I have placed one of the file (do not remember the name but it was a warning in MATLAB) in the System32 of the computer

3- The PTB version is not the last one (the scripts work, the only problem is GetChat)

The problem is that it is still not working, while Matlab does not mention any additional warnings. I do not have other ideas.

Is there someone who knows what to do in this situation?

Thank you in advance!



On Thu, Oct 8, 2015 at 3:32 PM, caspar.emilie@... [PSYCHTOOLBOX] <> wrote:
I do have a problem with the function 'Ask' probably because it involves 'Getchar'. I have tried several things in order to fix the problem, but none of them worked.

What is the actual problem that you have? Can you define "doesn't work"? Does Getchar itself work, why do you think getchar is the problem?

All the best,