GetSecs on Windows PTB


I just downloaded PTB 2.54 for Windows XP.

When I type GetSecs on the command line there is no output!! I have no
trouble using waitsecs, for example, and outputting the help menu for
GetSecs (help GetSecs).

Can anybody tell me what the problem is??

Thank you for your time and help

Pat Bedard
Did you try:


instead of just GetSecs as well?

What is the output of 'which GetSecs' ?


--- In, "betmozcho" <betmozcho@...> wrote:
> Hello,
> I just downloaded PTB 2.54 for Windows XP.
> When I type GetSecs on the command line there is no output!! I have no
> trouble using waitsecs, for example, and outputting the help menu for
> GetSecs (help GetSecs).
> Can anybody tell me what the problem is??
> Thank you for your time and help
> Pat Bedard
Hello Mario,

Here it goes:


Output argument "s" (and maybe others) not assigned during call to

Error in ==> GetSecs at 1

function s=GetSecs(s,subscript)

>>which GetSecs

Does it help??

--- In, "Mario Kleiner"
<mario.kleiner@...> wrote:
> Did you try:
> t=GetSecs
> instead of just GetSecs as well?
> What is the output of 'which GetSecs' ?
> -mario
> --- In, "betmozcho" <betmozcho@> wrote:
> >
> > Hello,
> >
> > I just downloaded PTB 2.54 for Windows XP.
> >
> > When I type GetSecs on the command line there is no output!! I have no
> > trouble using waitsecs, for example, and outputting the help menu for
> > GetSecs (help GetSecs).
> >
> > Can anybody tell me what the problem is??
> >
> > Thank you for your time and help
> >
> >
> > Pat Bedard
> >