How to play avi files with psychtoolbox on PC ?


I'am trying to play an avi file with psychtoolbox and I always have
the same message :

Error in function OpenMovie: Incorrect argument type supplied
??? Usage:

[ moviePtr [duration] [fps] [width] [height]
[count]]=Screen('OpenMovie', windowPtr, moviefile [, async=0]);

Here is my code :

[movie movieduration fps imgw imgh] = Screen('OpenMovie', window,

What is wrong ?

thanks for your help

This way's correct:

moviename= '.\stimuli\grenoble.avi';

"help QuicktimeDemos" for some demos.

--- In, "savariaux" <christophe.savariaux@...> wrote:
> Hi
> I'am trying to play an avi file with psychtoolbox and I always have
> the same message :
> Error in function OpenMovie: Incorrect argument type supplied
> ??? Usage:
> [ moviePtr [duration] [fps] [width] [height]
> [count]]=Screen('OpenMovie', windowPtr, moviefile [, async=0]);
> Here is my code :
> moviename=aviread('.\stimuli\grenoble.avi');
> [movie movieduration fps imgw imgh] = Screen('OpenMovie', window,
> moviename);
> What is wrong ?
> thanks for your help
> Christophe
i have the same problem...did you find the answer?

i tried to download quick time since it seemed psychtoolbox works with
QT's API an dthe only thing i'have obtained is to hear only one second
of a .mov file (not .avi) without image...

have you got a better results???