How to set an audio output to a decibel level of 99?

Hi there,

I am currently doing a program, in which, a gaussian white noise is generated and it is to be output as a 99 dB gain for hearing purposes only.

I have currently used this code to generate the noise:

% N = randn(1,20000)*sqrt(P);
% sound(N);

where, P = Noise Power

These codes will present a white noise for a desired 2 seconds and that has been successful so far.

1) My query is on how to set the audio output to a gain of 99dB so that I could hear this noise at 99dB specifically.

2) My other query would be on what value should P be in the code above.
I previously used 50-100 as P values and they sounded the same volume.

It would be much appreciated if someone could aid in this matter.
Looking forward to a reply:)