Dear all,
Since I need precise timing, I have chosen to use Psychtoolbox (also
because I can programme with matlab easily). I have been experimenting with the
toolbox for last 15days, but I could not find right methods for my problem
(probably because lack of documentation).
Here is my problem.
I am working with a closed loop EEG system, where the subject click mouse
button on the arrival of two different stimuli. These stimuli are pictures
moving from left to right say!. Depending on the stimuli type, the subject
decides whether to click or not. Depending on the subjects click next and EEG
pattern, next stimuli appears. The time markers of arrival of stimuli and
mouse-click are sent to EEG system through parallel port.
To do the above I need to understand the following questions. If I can get
some suggestions on particular methods that I can use, I will be grateful.
1) How to show a rectagle(or a brick) on the screen? ***
2) How to show a .jpg picture on the screen?***
3) How to move the .jpg picture from left right?***
4) How to collect mouse click?
Thanks in advance,
Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a