Hello! I’m using Matlab_R2020a on a macOS. I’d like to know how to increase the contrast from a gray window to the max contrast of the Gabori. Thank you so much!!
I have already read all the tutorial, could you please text the code?
(every dt of the stimulus duration, the contrast increase)
%% Define colors
black = 0;
white = 255 ;
gray = (white+1)/2;
%% Open a window
[window, windowRect] = Screen('OpenWindow', screenNumber, gray);
%% Get the size and the center coordinate of the window
[screenXpixels, screenYpixels] = Screen('WindowSize', window);
[xCenter, yCenter] = RectCenter(windowRect);
[width, height] = Screen('DisplaySize', screenNumber); % udm: mm
%% Set-up alpha blending
Screen('BlendFunction', window, GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA);
dim =12;
%% Grating setup
widthOfGrid = 400;
widthArray = (-widthOfGrid) : widthOfGrid; % widthArray is used in creating the meshgrid
[x, y] = meshgrid(widthArray, widthArray);
%% Grating Frequency
fs_min = 1;
fs_max = 12;
N_fs = 8;
fs_range_cd = logspace(log10(fs_min), log10(fs_max), N_fs);
fs_cp = fs_range_cd .* (1/conv_pix_deg);
%% Grating Contrast
if gray==white
absoluteDifferenceBetweenWhiteAndGray = abs(white - gray);
min_contrast = 0.1;
max_contrast = 0.8;
N_contr = 6;
contrast_range = logspace(log10(min_contrast), log10(max_contrast), N_contr);
absoluteDifferenceBetweenMaxAndGray = (contrast_range .* gray);
%% Frequency and Contrast Combination
M = N_fsN_contr;
m = 6;
nTrials = Mm;
t = randperm(nTrials);
FreqContr = zeros(M,2);
FreqContr_tot = zeros(nTrials,2);
c = 0;
f = 0;
for a = 1:N_fs
for b = 1:N_contr
c = c + 1;
FreqContr(c,:)=[fs_cp(a) absoluteDifferenceBetweenMaxAndGray(b)];
for d = 1:m
for e = 1:M
f = f + 1;
FreqContr_tot(f,:) = FreqContr(e,:);
rand_FreqContr = FreqContr_tot(t,:);
%% Set structure
p.contrasts = absoluteDifferenceBetweenMaxAndGray;
p.SFs = fs_range_cd;
p.repeats = m;
stim_secs = 10;
%% Time start
timeStart_exp = GetSecs;
for k=1:dim
g = g + 1;
%cosd & sind (cos & sin in degrees)
A = cosd(alpha_angle) * rand_FreqContr(g,1);
B = sind(alpha_angle) * rand_FreqContr(g,1);
gratingMatrix = sin(A*x+B*y); %Converts meshgrid into a sinusoidal grating
% Gaussian function
circularGaussianMaskMatrix = exp(-((x .^ 2) + (y .^ 2)) / (sigma ^ 2));
% Since each entry of gratingMatrix varies between minus one and one and each entry of
% circularGaussianMaskMatrix vary between zero and one, each entry of
% imageMatrix varies between minus one and one.
% -1 <= imageMatrix(x0, y0) <= 1
imageMatrix = gratingMatrix .* circularGaussianMaskMatrix;
% Since each entry of imageMatrix is a fraction between minus one and one,
% multiplying imageMatrix by absoluteDifferenceBetweenWhiteAndGray and adding
% the gray color code baseline converts each entry of imageMatrix into a shade of gray:
grayscaleImageMatrix = gray + absoluteDifferenceBetweenWhiteAndGray * imageMatrix;
centeredRect = CenterRectOnPointd(baseRect, rand_C(k,1), rand_C(k,2));
Screen('PutImage', window, grayscaleImageMatrix, centeredRect);
Screen('Flip', window);
timeStart_stim = GetSecs;
timeEnd_stim = timeStart_stim + stim_secs;
T_stim = GetSecs;
trial = trial + 1;