Is 'absrecposition' option really necessary in PsychPortAudio (‘GetAudioData’)?

Dear expert,
In my experiment, I call PsychPortAudio(‘GetAudioData’) periodically and concatenate the retrieved audio data like this:
recordedaudio=[ ‘]’; % a empty array;
for loop:
% present some stimulation
audiodata = PsychPortAudio(‘GetAudioData’, pahandle);
recordedaudio = [recordedaudio audiodata]; %#ok
Seems like the above method can also obtain the whole recording by concatenating audio segments.
On the other hand, in the PTB manual, it says “The
‘absrecposition’ provides you with absolute matrix column indices to stitch
together the results of all calls into one seamless recording if you want.”

So, I want to know if I record in a correct way by concatenating segment without using the absrecposition option.


Yes, assuming a big enough buffer to avoid overflows, where the absrecposition would help detecting and handling such conditions. Cfe. BasicSoundInputDemo.m.