What anybody with access to macOS 11 or macOS 12 could do is to do a quick test / a rough assessment, if the problems persist on those OS’es with different hardware.
Get and install the latest MoltenVK/Vulkan runtime:
This one now contains the bug fixes and improvements i contributed to this macOS Vulkan driver.
On an IntelMac install the PsychtoolboxKernelDriver, and make sure it is actually working and used by PTB – The beamposition timestamping must work, otherwise some misconfiguration or macOS security BS is getting in the way. On a M1 Mac, don’t bother with the driver, they are lost causes for our fancy stuff.
Run some of our Vulkan tests and just post the output:
If they appear to work nicely, that doesn’t necessarily prove it is working nicely, because some macs are so broken at least on macOS 10 that the only thing that helps is hardware diagnostic equipment like photodiodes, VPixx devices - they produce wrong but self-consistent results, giving the illusion of correctness unless one uses the right equipment and test procedures. Sometimes it even varies by video output port, e.g., works on DisplayPort, breaks silently on HDMI etc.
If the tests fail then we know at least that macOS 11 or 12 are just as broken as macOS 10.15.7.
E.g., run SimpleHDRDemo, or VBLSyncTest, PerceptualVBLSyncTest with their optional ‘useVulkan’ function parameter set to 1.
This first step doesn’t require expertise, just a bit of time and a variety of Mac hardware, and the braveness to install those “operating systems” on their machines.