

I've been having problems with NearestResolution. It works fine on my
coding machine, which is an intel machine with a GeForce 7300 video
chip and an LCD monitor. However, on the testing machine (G4 with a
GeForce 4MX chip and a CRT monitor), NearestResolution only returns
640 x 480 no matter what I put in as the desired resolution.

I'm trying to get res = NearestResolution(0, [1280, 960, 85, NaN]). I
know this resolution exists ib this particular monitor. In fact, I
tried putting in [1024, 768, 75, NaN], which is the resolution the
monitor was currently running at, and it spat out 640 x 480 (90 Hz) again.

note that both machines are running quite recent versions of PTB (i.e.
from 2008).

Is the problem that the graphics chip is too old?

Todd Horowitz