New Radeon 7000 ROM

Dear Denis and Group,

There is a new Radeon 7000 ROM available
which fixes 10bit gamma clut problems. It can
be downloaded here.

CopyBits speed is still bad but 10 bit gamma looks fixed.
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays. Take care,

Doug T.

Here are my cluttest results

*** Doug Taylor's Power Mac G4/400, Mac OS 9.2.2, Using Virtual Memory.
G4, 400 MHz, memory bus 100 MHz, 53.146 Mflop/s
Psychtoolbox 2.52, 12 August 2002, Matlab
FileSharing is on.
WARNING: Virtual Memory (VM) is on. This makes it unsafe to raise
priority to
minimize interrupts. VM uses the hard disk to swap pages of
Thus any memory access, eg using a Matlab array, may require a
access. Any attempt to access the disk at raised priority will
forever. For this reason, MaxPriority always returns zero when
VM is
on, which is safe but sacrifices the interrupt-reducing benefit
Rush. Please use the Memory control panel to turn off Virtual
Buy more memory. It's cheap. E.g.
web ;
No serial port arbitration.
*** Screen 0
ATI Radeon 7000, port A
"ATY,RV100ad_A" (.Display_DualHead version 1.0f141) in slot SLOT-C
10 bit dacs. 1024x768 60 Hz. (56,60,67,70,72,75,85,90,100,120,150,200 Hz
Prefs: cscGetClutBehavior, DipPriorityAfterSetClut,
MinimumSetClutPriority 2, BlankingDuration 0.003 s.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
pixelSize 8. randomize 0. SetGamma 8 bits. GetGamma 8 bits. GetClut
== predicted.
pixelSize 8. randomize 1. SetGamma 8 bits. GetGamma 8 bits. GetClut
== predicted.
pixelSize 16. randomize 0. SetGamma 8 bits. GetGamma 8 bits. GetClut
== predicted.
pixelSize 16. randomize 1. SetGamma 8 bits. GetGamma 8 bits. GetClut
== predicted.
pixelSize 32. randomize 0. SetGamma 8 bits. GetGamma 8 bits. GetClut
== predicted.
pixelSize 32. randomize 1. SetGamma 8 bits. GetGamma 8 bits. GetClut
== predicted.
pixelSize 8. randomize 0. SetGamma 10 bits. GetGamma 10 bits. GetClut
== predicted.
pixelSize 8. randomize 1. SetGamma 10 bits. GetGamma 10 bits. GetClut
== predicted.
pixelSize 16. randomize 0. SetGamma 10 bits. GetGamma 10 bits. GetClut
== predicted.
pixelSize 16. randomize 1. SetGamma 10 bits. GetGamma 10 bits. GetClut
== predicted.
pixelSize 32. randomize 0. SetGamma 10 bits. GetGamma 10 bits. GetClut
== predicted.
pixelSize 32. randomize 1. SetGamma 10 bits. GetGamma 10 bits. GetClut
== predicted.
Screen driver supports gamma tables with precisions: 8 10 bits.
Dear Doug,

Some time ago you said you had code that would synchronize the
vertical blanking on the two heads of a Radeon card and could
send it to me. It would be really helpful to us to get that.
We're particularly interested in the 9000, but would take
anything you have as a starting point.

