OS X: Current state of MakeTexture Issue

1. Apparently MakeTexture should use rectangular image matrices on
newer graphics cards.

2. On my PB G4 15" Aluminum Radeon Mobile 9600 this doesn't work. It
theoretically should because the card has the appropriate OpenGL routine. But it

3. Here is a link to a short m file and image that can be used to see
if your card supports non-square textures:


contains: CrashDemo.m and image.jpg

the first run through pads the image to square so it should display
on every system - this verifies things are working. The padding is two horizontal black
strips. the second time through if you see the image, your system works. Otherwise a

4. As side notes, apparently DrawTexture crashes if the type for the
texture handle is not a

5. I have a decent way to play movies using textures at this point, I
can post that if people are interested. It involves pre-processing the avi files and creating
.mat files that can be read in quickly at experiment run time.
