OSX V1.0.3: kbcheck problem

After upgrading to version 1.0.3 kbcheck stopped working. Do you know
what might have
gone wrong? Here's the code snippet:

function mykb
fprintf('Waiting for letter q\n');
while 1
if keyIsPressed & keyCode(letter1)
fprintf('Got it');

and here's (part of) the error message:

Bus error detected at Tue Dec 7 10:37:24 2004

MATLAB Version: (R14)
Operating System: Darwin 7.6.0 Darwin Kernel Version 7.6.0: Sun Oct
10 12:05:27 PDT
2004; root:xnu/xnu-517.9.4.obj~1/RELEASE_PPC Power Macintosh
Window System: The XFree86 Project, Inc (40300000), display :0.0
Current Visual: 0x22 (class 4, depth 24)
Virtual Machine: Java 1.4.2_05 with "Apple Computer, Inc." Java
HotSpot(TM) Client VM
(mixed mode)
Default Charset: US-ASCII

r0 = 0ea283d0 r8 = 00000007 r16 = f0ffba00 r24 = f0ffb850
r1 = f0ffa5e0 r9 = 000dbf10 r17 = 00000003 r25 = 00000001
r2 = 00000001 r10 = 000a5a1c r18 = 0ea28250 r26 = 00000003
r3 = 0ea283d0 r11 = 24048222 r19 = f0ffc384 r27 = f0ffb780
r4 = 00000004 r12 = 000c3c54 r20 = 00000001 r28 = 0e8a6ad0
r5 = 00000010 r13 = f0ffb8e0 r21 = f0ffb970 r29 = f0ffa938
r6 = 00000000 r14 = 00000000 r22 = 00000000 r30 = f0ffa5e0
r7 = 00000001 r15 = f0ffb970 r23 = 00000001 r31 = 0eb22d9c
cr = 44048222 lr = 0eb1f308 xer = 00000004 ctr = 000c3c54
vrsave = 00000000
Stack Trace:
[0] PsychHID.mexmac:0x0eb1f310
[1] PsychHID.mexmac:0x0eb22fd8
[2] PsychHID.mexmac:0x0eb1cb90
[3] libmex.dylib:mexRunMexFile + 116 bytes
[4] libmex.dylib:Mfh_mex::dispatch_file(int, mxArray_tag**, int,
mxArray_tag**) + 316
[5] libmwm_dispatcher.dylib:Mfh_file::dispatch_fh(int,
mxArray_tag**, int, mxArray_tag**)
+ 400 bytes

Thanks for any pointers.
