Playing audio files simultaneously?

Hey all,

I am setting up an auditory oddball paradigm task, and adapting code from this repository: iGloLoc/igloloc_short.m at master · srivaschennu/iGloLoc · GitHub

I wanted to ask how to play simultaneous files using Psychtoolbox sound? The idea is to play a track with instructions while the participant is also listening to auditory oddball stimuli.


I wanted to ask how to play simultaneous files using Psychtoolbox sound? The idea is to play a track with instructions while the participant is also listening to auditory oddball stimuli.

This could be done using master and slave audio devices. See the mix part of BasicAMAndMixScheduleDemo.m.

If this is for instructions only, “pre-mixing” the two tracks for example in Audacity might be much easier and faster to implement however.


Thanks for the quick reply.

The participants will be doing a breathwork session, and following the instructions to a track for 40 minutes or so. I then want the oddball blocks to run while the track is playing, so it’s not possible for me to merge.