Priority and realtime on dual cores


I noticed that setting Matlab's process priority to realtime on a
dual-core system only takes over the CPU Matlab is running on, and
seemingly leaves the other CPU free to run all the other system tasks.
Even on a simple while true loop, CPU usage is completely dominated on
one core by matlab, while when run under normal priority it only
flirts with ~60% use of the given CPU. In this situation, running
realtime still allows keyboard processing (ctrl-c works to break out
of the loop) as well. (running two Matlab processes however, when each
are set to realtime, still crashes the system on a dual core!)

This seems to be an ideal setting for use on multicore/multiprocessor
systems to give PTB/matlab complete access to one core and allow the
system to run normally on the 2nd. I was wondering if anyone else has
played around with this, or if PTB should simply always run realtime
on dual core systems? Also, if anyone has the technical savy to
comment on how/if this will change with the multiprocessor settings in
