Problem with Quadro drivers and Dual Screen mode


I am using PTB3 with Matlab R2009a on XP SP3 with a Quadro FX 3400 card.

This is used in dual screen mode to display stereo stimuli.

This all used to work fine until recently when due to an unrelated issue the drivers for the Quadro card were upgraded to the latest version 191.

Now whenever I try something as basic as just opening a window (on any or all screens) PTB3 fails with



??? Error using ==> Screen

When I try the same thing in single screen mode everything is OK.

If I revert back to the existing drivers which were in use (77.13 from 2005!) then PTB3 works fine.

However I am very reluctant to continue using 5 year old drivers for obvious reasons so I am interested to know if anyone else has had the same problem with Quadro drivers.

Also if anyone is using other versions of Quadro drivers in Dual Screen mode successfully could you tell me what version of the drivers you are using.

Thanks in advance,
