Psychtoolbox . 60Hz flip in combination with 200Hz mouse sample

Hello there,

This is my first post out here since i am (quite) new to psychtoolbox,
or matlab for that sake. I am making some RDM stimulus, and noticed that
on my pc i can get a screen refresh rate of 60 hz max. However, i would
very much like it to still be able to capture my mouse xy position at +- 200Hz.

I tried this using a timerobj that i started and stopped within the screen refresh loop
at some point, but having the timerobj active makes the screen commands stop
returning values (as the error describes.)

Since the flip has to wait to stay in sync anyway and takes only about 0.003 seconds,
i figured: is it not possible to have a loop just before the flip to keep storing those
xy coords, and when the fliptime is near, excute the flip?

Or is there a better way?

Regards, Dennis from Holland

ps: better even would be a 75Hz flip (i need that) but i cant set that in windows settings it seems. I thought TFT monitors (laptop) didnt have a real 'trace beam'? So why cant i put it on 75Hz instead of 60?