Psychtoolbox on Mac OS 9, Classic, and OS X.

Daniel Shima wrote:

>Quick question about this new Matlab 6.5 for Mac OS X.
>If people upgrade to it, let's say, today, will they be unable to use the
>psychtoolbox until the OS X version of that is complete?

Yes, that is correct: There is not yet a Psychtoolbox which will work
with Matlab 6.5 for OS X. The OpenGL Psychtoolbox will do that but
it's not ready yet.

>It is my understanding that folks who currently have newer Macs with OS X
>acutually run Matlab under OS 9 and therefore can use Psychtoolbox Mac 2.52.
Yes, that is correct: The only way to run the Psychtoolbox on Mac for
now is to boot into OS 9 and run Matlab 5. If instead you boot into OS
X and run Matlab 5 in the OS X Classic environment then the Psychtoolbox
will work except for for two problems with timing 1) Waitblanking does
not correctly detect blanking intervals 2) Under OS X, even if the
Classic process is given maximum priority (using renice) Matlab 5 is
nonetheless interrupted for periods long enough to skip entire blanking
intervals. So even if we could detect blanking intervals in Classic,
the Psychtoolbox would still occasionally miss them.

Despite those problems with Classic, the future of the Psychtoolbox on
Mac looks great. Even though the provisions which Apple makes for
supporting legacy OS 9 software under OS X are inadequate for precise
control of timing, the native OS X APIs which Apple offers, such as
Core Graphics, are excellent. They provide for precise control of
timing and displays and so are especially well suited for writing a
native OS X Psychtoolbox.

