Psychtoolbox only recognizes one touch screen in Window 11

Hi everyone,

I am programing an experiment that uses 3 touch screens in Windows 11 with an AMD Radeon RX 6700 XT graphics card. The touch screens are connected, but Psychtoolbox only recognizes one. Below is the info I got in MATLAB.


ans =



ans =

struct with fields:

touchDeviceType: 1
 maxTouchpoints: 10
        product: 'Touchscreen'
   serialNumber: []
     locationID: -1
  valuatorInfos: [1×5 struct]

In a similar post (multiple touch screens - #5 by mariokleiner), there appear to be two solutions: (1) go with other touch devices (if so, what are the recommendations?); (2) buy another AMD graphics card and use its open-source driver to set up the touch screens.

I wonder which path I should take. Thank you!


(I do not have experience with this)
Install Linux as dual boot (so you still have your windows left), and experiment with how well things work there. Your chance for success (and for getting things fixed if you don’t find success) are way higher there. I think it is also good to in parallel start looking for funds for some support time from Mario.

What Diederick said, if you need flexibility and control.

On Windows, due to operating system limitations, all connected touch screens are treated as one unified virtual touch screen, so GetTouchDeviceIndices() will always only report exactly one touch screen, regardless how many are connected. Various other limitations apply, compared to Linux, e.g., only one onscreen window can be touch enabled, although that onscreen window could span multiple touch screens on a multi-display setup.

I see. Thank you very much for the clarification!