PTB BETA "Boldly go where no man has gone before!"

A new beta release, this time with matching theme songs to celebrate the special occasion:

* Initial hybrid graphics laptop support for Linux (Prime render offload capable drivers) "help HybridGraphics". Describes setup to get the majority of hybrid graphics laptops to work somewhere between "useable" and "really well" under Linux.

* PsychLinuxConfiguration: Automate setup of AMD deep color support, e.g., for DisplayPort deep color and HDMI deep color.

* Some improvements to XOrgConfCreator.

* Provide basic compatibility with the Windows-10 "Windows subsystem for Linux". With a X-Server like XMing installed, allows to run some basic "PTB for Linux" functionality in Windows-10's new Linux emulation layer. However, no sound, no PsychHID functionality/KeyboardQueus/DAQ, very bad timing, visual tearing artifacts. This more for geek cred than for any even remotely meaningful research grade use.

* New demo VideoIPWebcamCaptureDemo.m - Capture streaming video from Android IPWebcam app.

* GetGamePadIndices: Make as capable as GetKeyboardIndices.

* CreateProceduralGabor: Add optional 'validModulationRange' parameter. Suggested by Taylor Hanayik.

* DownloadLegacyPsychtoolbox: It's dead, Jim! Download of legacy toolbox versions < 3.0.10 is currently broken.

* SeparateAlphaTextureShader.vert.txt: Add additional (dx2,dy2) offsets. This allows for off-center rotation of sampled texture images. A usage example would be the one described in PTB forum message 20926. Shaders are created via MakeTextureDrawShader('SeparateAlphaChannel'), cfe. DriftDemo6.m

* KbWait: reorganized and simplified input checking a bit. KbQueueFlush minor improvements. From Diederick.

* KbQueueWait now gained forWhat and untilTime, like KbWait. From Diederick.

* DrawFormattedText's 'flipVertical' fixed for new text renderer. From Diederick.

* PsychPortaudio: Give better error feedback if trying to open same device multiple times.

* Daq: Update help texts wrt. USB 1024-LS. Now verified to work well.

* Minor other stuff here and there.