Question about WaitBlanking function

 Hello Dear Psychtoolbox Reseurchers,

I have one question I hope so that you will answer.
I am trying to make flickering screen on the monitor.
Flicker must be at the specific frequency, with I can change.
Flicker effect I am making when I am using for cycle and Mathlab
function pause(sek).
When I simulate the code screen is flickering not with specific
frequency but with another.
Because interval between the image is pause(sek)+WaitBlanking.
My question is.
How to avoid that kind of situation?
Maybe  you  have some examles with flickering screen at the specific

Thank you, and I am waiting the letter from you.

Vidas Raudonis

Yahoo! FareChase - Search multiple travel sites in one click.
I'm not sure whether I'd understood your question.
If you want to make flicker with accurate frequency,you'd better control the number of frames in "WaitBlanking" instead of "pause".

On 11/22/05, Vidas Raudonis <vidasraudonis@...> wrote:
 Hello Dear Psychtoolbox Reseurchers,

I have one question I hope so that you will answer.
I am trying to make flickering screen on the monitor.
Flicker must be at the specific frequency, with I can change.
Flicker effect I am making when I am using for cycle and Mathlab
function pause(sek).
When I simulate the code screen is flickering not with specific
frequency but with another.
Because interval between the image is pause(sek)+WaitBlanking.
My question is.
How to avoid that kind of situation?
Maybe  you  have some examles with flickering screen at the specific

Thank you, and I am waiting the letter from you.

Vidas Raudonis

Yahoo! FareChase - Search multiple travel sites in one click.

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