Re: Blurring an image?

>Professor Pelli,
>I'm one of your fans of your website --- psychophysicaltoolbox.You are so
>kind to contribute your works and provide the toolbox. I really learn a
>lot from the website.
>I'm a self-learner in Matlab with limited knowledge in programing. May I
>ask you a question about blurring an image? I found a problem in my work,
>when I created some blurred images with the following codes:
>f=[1/16 2/16 1/16; 2/16 4/16 2/16; 1/16 2/16 1/16];
>I found that the degree of blur is too significant. How can I blur images
>with just-noticeable-difference?
>Thank you for your kind attention.
>Best Regards,

dear michelle

you're doing what i'd do, but others in the forum may have useful
suggestions, so i'm forwarding your query there.

you could also low-pass filter using the 2d fft.



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