Rect returned by Screen

Having used PTB for years without ever encountering this issue, I'm
wondering if I have missed something or am brain dead but ...

The OpenWindow call to Screen returns a window pointer and a rect.

[windowPtr,rect]=Screen('OpenWindow',windowPtrOrScreenNumber ...)

Here is the paragraph of the documentation for the rect

"rect" argument: "rect" is a 1x4 matrix containing the upper left and
lower right coordinates of an imaginary box containing all the pixels.
[ Irrelevant text deleted here ]
Historically we've had two different orderings of the
elements of rect, so, for general compatibility, all of the Psychophysics
Toolbox refers to the elements symbolically, through RectLeft, RectTop, etc.
Since 2/97, we use Apple's standard ordering: RectLeft=1, RectTop=2,
RectRight=3, RectBottom=4.

As I read the start of this paragraph, it says that the coordinates in the
rect are ordered [upper left lower right] and that agrees with what I get
when I run this on my system (running PTB 3.0.8). However, the end of the
paragraph says that everything is standardized on the Apple standard with
the ordering [left upper right lower]. So what this means is that the
indices defined in PsychRects don't work with the rect returned by
OpenWindow. Is this something that everyone else knows and I just missed? Is
this really what's intended? The documentation certainly seems confusing to
me at the very least.

Ted Wright