hi - I see this has come up before, but I can't find a satisfactory
running the demos (as well as other script) in the latest
(post-august 5) version of Psychtoolbox (matlab R12, windows 2000,
pentium 4), I constantly get the following error...
DLL load failed for mex file
The specified module could not be found.
??? Invalid MEX-file
Error in ==> C:\matlabR12\toolbox\psychtoolbox\psychdemos\GratingDemo.m
On line 15 ==> window=SCREEN(whichScreen,'OpenWindow');
does anyone know what the problem might be?
thanks very much
chris summerfield
running the demos (as well as other script) in the latest
(post-august 5) version of Psychtoolbox (matlab R12, windows 2000,
pentium 4), I constantly get the following error...
DLL load failed for mex file
The specified module could not be found.
??? Invalid MEX-file
Error in ==> C:\matlabR12\toolbox\psychtoolbox\psychdemos\GratingDemo.m
On line 15 ==> window=SCREEN(whichScreen,'OpenWindow');
does anyone know what the problem might be?
thanks very much
chris summerfield