screentest error in 2.5

I get the following error. I tried re-installing, but it made no

*** Power Mac G4/733, Mac OS 9.2.2 ************************
G4, 733 MHz, memory bus 133 MHz, 87.593 Mflop/s
Psychtoolbox 2.5, 25 June 2002, Matlab
*** Screen 0
??? Error using ==> -
Matrix dimensions must agree.

Error in ==> Brodmann:Applications (Mac OS 9):MATLAB
On line 137 ==>

??? Error 1 in attempt to run "OpenScreen.m".

Error in ==> Brodmann:Applications (Mac OS 9):MATLAB
Error in ==> Brodmann:Applications (Mac OS 9):MATLAB
On line 58 ==>

Error in ==> Brodmann:Applications (Mac OS 9):MATLAB
On line 437 ==> DescribeScreen(screenNumber);

Error in ==> Brodmann:Applications (Mac OS 9):MATLAB
On line 428 ==> ScreenTest(screenNumber);

Going back to version 2.44, screentest runs, but gives me this
report, and if i'm running in 32-bit mode, the screen stays black
(despite SCREEN('CloseAll') commands) until I put the
computer to sleep and wake it back up:

*** Power Mac G4/733, Mac OS 9.2.2 ******
unknown PowerPC processor, 733 MHz, memory bus 133 MHz,
86.720 Mflop/s
PsychToolbox 2.44, 7 August 2000, MATLAB
QuickTime 5.0.2
No screen saver.
Using UpTime-based timing, which is very accurate and reliable.
Has serial port arbitration.
*** Screen 0
ATY,BlueStone_A (.Display_DualHead version 1.0f64) in slot
10 bit dacs. 1280x1024 60 Hz. (60 Hz avail)
Yay! SCREEN Preference AskSetClutDriverToWaitForBlanking
set 0 ok, set 1 ok.
WARNING: DriverTest: SetClut doesn't wait (at priority 7), yet
SetClutDriverWaitsForBlanking is 1.
driver =
secs: 0.2000
windowPtrOrScreenNumber: 0
setClutDriverAwaitsBlanking: 0
interruptOnBlanking: []
setClutFraction: NaN
priority: 7
SetClut 304.7 Hz (3 ms) vs interrupt 60.0 Hz (17 ms)
pixelSize 8
setClutDriverAwaitsBlanking 0
SetClutDriverWaitsForBlanking 1
SetClut period 3 ms, or NaN ms with delay 2 ms
InterruptToSetClutEndSecs 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ms
interruptOnBlanking 1
Please send this report to denis & david:

WARNING: DriverTest: SetClut doesn't wait (at priority 7), yet
SetClutDriverWaitsForBlanking is 1.
driver =
secs: 0.2000
windowPtrOrScreenNumber: 0
setClutDriverAwaitsBlanking: 0
interruptOnBlanking: []
setClutFraction: NaN
priority: 7
SetClut 316.0 Hz (3 ms) vs interrupt 60.0 Hz (17 ms)
pixelSize 16
setClutDriverAwaitsBlanking 0
SetClutDriverWaitsForBlanking 1
SetClut period 3 ms, or NaN ms with delay 2 ms
InterruptToSetClutEndSecs 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ms
interruptOnBlanking 1
Please send this report to denis & david:

WARNING: DriverTest: SetClut doesn't wait (at priority 7), yet
SetClutDriverWaitsForBlanking is 1.
driver =
secs: 0.2000
windowPtrOrScreenNumber: 0
setClutDriverAwaitsBlanking: 0
interruptOnBlanking: []
setClutFraction: NaN
priority: 7
SetClut 304.6 Hz (3 ms) vs interrupt 60.0 Hz (17 ms)
pixelSize 32
setClutDriverAwaitsBlanking 0
SetClutDriverWaitsForBlanking 1
SetClut period 3 ms, or NaN ms with delay 2 ms
InterruptToSetClutEndSecs 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ms
interruptOnBlanking 1
Please send this report to denis & david:

pixel size 8 16 32 bits
pages 1 1 1
CopyWindow (ie CopyBits) 182 185 185 MB/s
GetClut equals SetClut? ~= ~= na
SetClutDriverWaitsForBlanking? Yes
At priority 7 ... No blanking intrpts.
SetClut (cscSetEntries) min dur. 0.0 0.0 0.0 frames
*** SetClutDriverAwaitsBlanking? No
At priority 1 ... Blanking interrupts.
SetClut (cscSetEntries) min dur. 0.0 0.0 0.0 frames
SetClut suppresses ints. for 0.0 0.0 0.0 frames
Well, i remembered that I had already run some scripts in
version 2.5 that used OpenScreen without problems, so I was

Restarting the computer didn't make a difference, but then I tried
running screentest starting from 8-bit mode. When that worked, I
tried 16-bit, and then 32-bit, which now agreed to run. Maybe
changing pixel depth "reset" something? Something that
restarting doesn't reset? Screentest now gives me this report:

*** Power Mac G4/733, Mac OS 9.2.2 ************************
G4, 733 MHz, memory bus 133 MHz, 87.923 Mflop/s
Psychtoolbox 2.5, 25 June 2002, Matlab
*** Screen 0
ATY,BlueStone_A (.Display_DualHead version 1.0f64) in slot
8 bit dacs. 1280x1024 60 Hz. (60 Hz avail)
Supports: cscGetClutBehavior cscGetTimingRanges
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
pixel size 8 16 32 bits
pages 1 1 1
CopyWindow (ie CopyBits) 182 185 185 MB/s
SetClut suppresses ints. for 0.0 0.0 0.0 frames
LoadClut vs. GetClut? ( 8 bits) 1 1 1 #'s are max error.
LoadClut vs. GetClut? (10 bits) 1023 == na #'s are max
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
SetClut waits for blanking (i.e. ~60 Hz) if parameters have these
59 Hz: 0/0
60 Hz: 7/0
SetClut doesn't wait for blanking if parameters have these
292 Hz: 7/7
The following parameters don't affect whether SetClut waits for
clutEntries pixelSize
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
SetGamma waits for blanking (i.e. ~60 Hz) if parameters have
these values:
prioritySequence pixelSize
61 Hz: 0/0 16
60 Hz: 7/0 16
61 Hz: 0/0 32
60 Hz: 7/0 32
SetGamma doesn't wait for blanking if parameters have these
prioritySequence pixelSize
297 Hz: 0/0 8
294 Hz: 7/0 8
299 Hz: 7/7 8
265 Hz: 7/7 16
264 Hz: 7/7 32
The following parameters don't affect whether SetGamma waits
for blanking:
Here is the new screentest report, using the updated files:

*** Power Mac G4/733, Mac OS 9.2.2 ************************
G4, 733 MHz, memory bus 133 MHz, 86.230 Mflop/s
Psychtoolbox 2.5, 25 June 2002, Matlab
*** Screen 0
ATY,BlueStone_A (.Display_DualHead version 1.0f64) in slot
10 bit dacs. 1280x1024 60 Hz. (60 Hz avail)
Supports: cscGetClutBehavior cscGetTimingRanges
Prefs: DacBits 10, DipPriorityAfterSetClut,
MinimumSetClutPriority 2.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
pixel size 8 16 32 bits
pages 1 1 1
CopyWindow (ie CopyBits) 182 185 185 MB/s
SetClut suppresses ints. for 0.0 0.0 0.0 frames
LoadClut vs. GetClut? ( 8 bits) 1 1 1 #'s are max error.
LoadClut vs. GetClut? (10 bits) 1023 == na #'s are max
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
SetClut waits for blanking (i.e. ~60 Hz) if parameters have these
60 Hz: 0/0
60 Hz: 7/0
SetClut doesn't wait for blanking if parameters have these
292 Hz: 7/7
The following parameters don't affect whether SetClut waits for
clutEntries pixelSize
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
SetGamma waits for blanking (i.e. ~60 Hz) if parameters have
these values:
prioritySequence pixelSize
61 Hz: 0/0 16
60 Hz: 7/0 16
60 Hz: 0/0 32
60 Hz: 7/0 32
SetGamma doesn't wait for blanking if parameters have these
prioritySequence pixelSize
294 Hz: 0/0 8
285 Hz: 7/0 8
299 Hz: 7/7 8
265 Hz: 7/7 16
265 Hz: 7/7 32
The following parameters don't affect whether SetGamma waits
for blanking:
--- In psychtoolbox@y..., "tjerde03" <thomasjerde@h...> wrote:
> Here is the new screentest report, using the updated files:
> *** Power Mac G4/733, Mac OS 9.2.2 ************************
> G4, 733 MHz, memory bus 133 MHz, 86.230 Mflop/s
> Psychtoolbox 2.5, 25 June 2002, Matlab
> *** Screen 0
> *************************************************************
> ATY,BlueStone_A (.Display_DualHead version 1.0f64) in slot
> SLOT-1
> 10 bit dacs. 1280x1024 60 Hz. (60 Hz avail)
> Supports: cscGetClutBehavior cscGetTimingRanges
> cscGetDetailedTiming
> Prefs: DacBits 10, DipPriorityAfterSetClut,
> MinimumSetClutPriority 2.
> - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
> pixel size 8 16 32 bits
> pages 1 1 1
> CopyWindow (ie CopyBits) 182 185 185 MB/s
> SetClut suppresses ints. for 0.0 0.0 0.0 frames
> LoadClut vs. GetClut? ( 8 bits) 1 1 1 #'s are max error.
> LoadClut vs. GetClut? (10 bits) 1023 == na #'s are max
> error.

dear thomas

thanks. it's all as expected for the Radeon 8500, except for the
single oddity that the special fixs for that card were not activated.
This shows up in two ways. Firstly, the "Prefs:" line does not
mention "SetClutDuplicates8Bits" or "fixATIRadeon". Secondly,
the nonzero errors in LoadClut vs GetClut, which those fixs
would eliminate.

I wonder if MATLAB ran a cached old copy of OpenScreen.m
rather than the new one you installed? MATLAB's caching
scheme still occassionally surprises me. You might try quitting
MATLAB and restarting the application. I would guess that you'll
find that this eliminates the GetClut errors. If not, please let me

