Beta has been updated with some bits for OS/X IntelMac+Matlab
and Windows+pre 2007a Matlabs. Updates for the other platforms
will follow in a couple of days.
New stuff for all platforms:
* BalanceFactors.m -- Balances a set of factors given the factor levels.
Contributed by David Fencsik, well tested according to him. Thanks!
* Small fix to Ask() -- Doesn't crash anymore on empty 'message' strings.
* Small fixes to moglmorpher('RenderMesh') subfunction.
* Some info in "help KbCheck" about how to prevent keypresses from
cluttering the Matlab window.
* Initial implementaiton of a convenient setup routine for imaging pipeline
(OS/X Intel and Windows pre2007a only for now): PsychImaging.m
This is very early stuff, currently only supports left-right and upside down
flipping of visual stimuli.
* The usual batch of workarounds for the most broken OS in existence:
- (Hopefully) improved code for detection of broken beamposition queries
to work around broken drivers on Windows. PTB should detect more
problematic cases at runtime and fall back to lower precision timestamping.
- Screen('Preference', 'ConserveVRAM', 8); disables OpenGL context
isolation when using OpenGL for Matlab, to work around completely
broken drivers on Windows.
- Default text size increased, default text style is now "bold" on MS-Windows
to provide better readable text to compensate for its broken text renderer.
* Initial alpha release of our new sound driver: PsychPortAudio()
The driver is only provided for OS/X IntelMac and Windows pre-2007a Matlab,
releases for other platforms will follow after a bit more beta testing.
This driver is supposed to be more robust and reliable, more flexible and
capable and much lower latency and better timing precision than the old
SND() function and all the Matlab based sound drivers.
Initial testing on OS/X looks very good, initial testing on Window shows
results between "very good" for some setups and "as poor as everything else"
on some other setups. Especially Windows development will rely on
feedback from you.
Try "BasicSoundOutputDemo" as a starter. "help InitializePsychSound" and
"help PsychPortAudio" may be of interest.
This is early alpha code, so don't be disappointed if it doesn't work well,
but give feedback.
Happy testing,
and Windows+pre 2007a Matlabs. Updates for the other platforms
will follow in a couple of days.
New stuff for all platforms:
* BalanceFactors.m -- Balances a set of factors given the factor levels.
Contributed by David Fencsik, well tested according to him. Thanks!
* Small fix to Ask() -- Doesn't crash anymore on empty 'message' strings.
* Small fixes to moglmorpher('RenderMesh') subfunction.
* Some info in "help KbCheck" about how to prevent keypresses from
cluttering the Matlab window.
* Initial implementaiton of a convenient setup routine for imaging pipeline
(OS/X Intel and Windows pre2007a only for now): PsychImaging.m
This is very early stuff, currently only supports left-right and upside down
flipping of visual stimuli.
* The usual batch of workarounds for the most broken OS in existence:
- (Hopefully) improved code for detection of broken beamposition queries
to work around broken drivers on Windows. PTB should detect more
problematic cases at runtime and fall back to lower precision timestamping.
- Screen('Preference', 'ConserveVRAM', 8); disables OpenGL context
isolation when using OpenGL for Matlab, to work around completely
broken drivers on Windows.
- Default text size increased, default text style is now "bold" on MS-Windows
to provide better readable text to compensate for its broken text renderer.
* Initial alpha release of our new sound driver: PsychPortAudio()
The driver is only provided for OS/X IntelMac and Windows pre-2007a Matlab,
releases for other platforms will follow after a bit more beta testing.
This driver is supposed to be more robust and reliable, more flexible and
capable and much lower latency and better timing precision than the old
SND() function and all the Matlab based sound drivers.
Initial testing on OS/X looks very good, initial testing on Window shows
results between "very good" for some setups and "as poor as everything else"
on some other setups. Especially Windows development will rely on
feedback from you.
Try "BasicSoundOutputDemo" as a starter. "help InitializePsychSound" and
"help PsychPortAudio" may be of interest.
This is early alpha code, so don't be disappointed if it doesn't work well,
but give feedback.
Happy testing,