Sync trouble with Nvidia drivers under Ubuntu 12.04 LTS

Hi everyone,

Apologies in advance if this repeats some known issue, but I've been searching for a while with no success. I've also tried the relevant things in the help SychTrouble output.

PTB seems to detect all the refresh rates fine (with beamposition, VBLsync and the operating system, but then throws a synch error (couldn't compute a reliable monitor refresh interval).

The output of calling GarboriumDemo at verbosity 10 is here:

Very weirdly, this occasionally (~10% of the time) actually works, but the console output warns me that my video card is doing triple buffering, which should be disabled. I've tried doing that by pasting 

Option   "TripleBuffer" "FALSE" 

into my xorg.conf, under both Device and Screen (as per here: You can find my whole xorg.conf file here:  This doesn't seem to change the behaviour of PTB, despite the xorg log file showing that the triple buffering command was recognised (here:

You can see most of my system info and PTB details in the output above. I'm running Ubuntu 12.04 LTS with a VPixx ViewPIXX-3D monitor. The custom modeline in my xorg.conf (1920 x 1080 @ 100 Hz) appears to be running fine.

Thanks for any suggestions.


NVidia driver version 331.20 has known bugs (see forum thread around 7th february 2014) which cause a false triple-buffering warning. It is fixed since version 334.16, so upgrading to the latest stable driver > 334.16 should fix those warnings.

Let's see if that helps your problems. Other than that the output just looks like a system with noisy graphics timing. Maybe the driver upgrade will fix that as well if the driver is at fault. Maybe additional measures are needed.
