Unable to run Screen command

Trying to run on newly install Matlab R2021a with Psychtoolbox-3
[x,rect] = Screen(0,‘OpenWindow’);
Error message:

In place of the expected mex file this placeholder file was executed:


This mex file seems to be missing or inaccessible on your Matlab path or it is dysfunctional:


Hmm. I cannot find the file on your Matlab path?!?

One reason could be that your Matlab path is wrong or not up to date
for the current Psychtoolbox. You may want to run SetupPsychtoolbox to
fix possible path problems.

NOTE: You may want to acquire paid priority support for future issues like this.
Please type ‘PsychPaidSupportAndServices’ to learn more.

Error using AssertMex (line 202)
Missing or dysfunctional Psychtoolbox Mex file for this operating system. Read the help text above carefully!!

Error in Screen (line 158)
Please advice to solve this problem.

follow all the install instructions, you are probably missing one of the other things you need to install (msvc runtime, gstreamer)