Unwanted message when opening a screen


I am using Psychtoolbox on Matlab in order to present some images.
every time I try to open a screen I get this screen that stays for a few seconds:

only after a few seconds my script starts.
I didn’t find a way to stop seeing this screen every time I run the script. I tried to install psychtoolbox again and it didn’t solve the problem.

This is the script:

% Clear the workspace and the screen
close all;

% Open an on screen window
[windowPtr, rect] = Screen(‘OpenWindow’, 0, [127 127 127]);

% Reading the picture
image = imread(‘C:\Users\Desktop\Project\MyImage.jpg’);

% Creating the texture with the picture in it
texture = Screen(‘MakeTexture’, windowPtr, image);

% Drawing the texture
Screen(‘DrawTexture’, windowPtr, texture);

% It shows the result on the screen
Screen(‘Flip’, windowPtr) ;

% Wait for two seconds

% Close the screen

If someone know how to get rid of this message, I would love to hear…
Thank you so much!

So what’s your opinion about the community membership and priority support? Surely you’ve read the info about that, given that it is advertised to you on the start screen?
