dear eric
i'm following up on allen's suggestion, and cc-ing this discussion to
the psychtoolbox forum <>. everyone on
that forum is using a Mac or Win computer and the MATLAB Psychtoolbox
extensions to do perception experiments.
many would like to buy a button box. i agree with tim that many
people would readily buy at $99.
for background, i'd suggest looking at the Psyscope button box
(formerly called the CMU Button Box), which has been popular for many
years despite a high price point ($400) and limited compatibility
with new computers (serial, not USB).
you might think about making it usable inside an MRI scanner, since
that's a popular application. many want to use the same button box in
the scanner and the lab, so scanner-compatibility may drive sells
At 5:48 PM +1000 6/11/02, Timothy Bates wrote:
i'm following up on allen's suggestion, and cc-ing this discussion to
the psychtoolbox forum <>. everyone on
that forum is using a Mac or Win computer and the MATLAB Psychtoolbox
extensions to do perception experiments.
many would like to buy a button box. i agree with tim that many
people would readily buy at $99.
for background, i'd suggest looking at the Psyscope button box
(formerly called the CMU Button Box), which has been popular for many
years despite a high price point ($400) and limited compatibility
with new computers (serial, not USB).
you might think about making it usable inside an MRI scanner, since
that's a popular application. many want to use the same button box in
the scanner and the lab, so scanner-compatibility may drive sells
At 5:48 PM +1000 6/11/02, Timothy Bates wrote:
> >> I am currently working on the driver [for Mac OS X]. I think it
>will be out by
> >> Mid-July. I am hoping end of June.
>> Excellent !
>Double excellent !! That is a big stumbling block beaten for several users
>wanting to move PsyScript to OS X.
>>> Would a "commercial quality" (ie. good plastics) "button box" with 4 button
>>> switches and 4 leds be of interest?
>I emailed ActiveWire about an OEM price for building a hundred or so of
>these to accompany PsyScript about 18mths ago, but got no reply.
>In short: Yes -- A box with 3-4 buttons, and 3-4 LEDS would be of value to
>most experimental psychologists.
>We are in the process of designing a similar box, but I had settled on just
>a case for the active wire, with 16 labelled screw terminal connections for
>bring the I/O out in a comprehensible fashion. The idea then would be to
>plug in a play station controller or something similar to provide the
>>> What price point?
>I think $USD99 including ActiveWire would be an easy sale. We would buy 10
>here for starters. You could chuck in a free copy of the vision toolbox and
>PsyScript as well! :-)
>PS: we are seeing users complain that they have to plug and unplug the
>Activewire or (at worst) reboot their machines at times in order to allow
>the Activewire driver to be acquired by their experiment app (psyscript).
>Are you aware of a bug that would cause that?