using psychtoolbox


I planned to use Cinematica (software developed by Mr. Joshua Solomon for displaying calibrated movies on Macintosh) that runs on mathematica to display vision stimuli. But have problems installing it as it needs Video Toolbox.
I downloaded the video toolbox into my iMac computer. But don't know how to install it.  Does it need a C compiler? I have only Mathematica running on the iMac right now.
Can I use Psychtoolbox instead of Cinematica ?  Are these two software's equivalent ?
Does psychtoolbox have all functionality of the VideoToolbox.  I am planning to install Matlab 6. or higher for the psychtoolbox.  Can I install and use Mac Psychtoolbox 2.52 in Macintosh with Matlab 6 or higher running ? I however see in the webpage that it can be run in OS 9 with Matlab 5.2. I would like your confirmation or if you have the new version for OS X and Matlab 6.5 ?
Thank you for any help or suggestions you may give.
Thanking you,
Grad. Student, Elec. & Comp. Eng.
Univ. of Puerto Rico
Mayaguez Campus
Re: [psychtoolbox] using psychtoolbox
I planned to use Cinematica (software developed by Mr. Joshua Solomon for displaying calibrated movies on Macintosh) that runs on mathematica to display vision stimuli. But have problems installing it as it needs Video Toolbox.
I downloaded the video toolbox into my iMac computer. But don't know how to install it.  Does it need a C compiler? I have only Mathematica running on the iMac right now.

dear vidya

To install Cinematica, ask the people involved with Cinematica: Josh Solomon and Beau Watson. Their web site must have contact information.

Cinematica uses the VideoToolbox, but you don't need to be aware of that, and you certainly don't need to install it. As you say, the VideoToolbox is a collection of source files in C; you don't need to deal with that.

Can I use Psychtoolbox instead of Cinematica ?  Are these two software's equivalent ?
Does psychtoolbox have all functionality of the VideoToolbox.  I am planning to install Matlab 6. or higher for the psychtoolbox.  Can I install and use Mac Psychtoolbox 2.52 in Macintosh with Matlab 6 or higher running ? I however see in the webpage that it can be run in OS 9 with Matlab 5.2. I would like your confirmation or if you have the new version for OS X and Matlab 6.5 ?

You can use PsychToolbox. It's not equivalent. I think that PsychToolbox does much more, but I haven't checked carefully. At present the PsychToolbox requires either Mac OS 9 or Windows. The latest version of MATLAB for mac os 9 is 5.2.1. In 2003 we will be releasing a new version that supports Mac OS X, but it will be several months before it's ready to use to run experiments.

There is very little point in pressuring us for more release information than is on our web site, as we keep the web site up to date with our current plans (best guesses) on release dates.



Thank you for any help or suggestions you may give.
Thanking you,
Grad. Student, Elec. & Comp. Eng.
Univ. of Puerto Rico
Mayaguez Campus
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