Hi Diederick,
many thanks for your reply. The observers' task is to indicate which of the 2 intervals contained the smaller slant - the first of the second.
I have tried transforming the signal intensity range from 0 to 1 (which is what QUEST works with) to say, 40° to 80° (which is an appropriate range of test slants, about the 60° base slant). However, the problem is that QUEST only cares about the accuracy of the observer's response, and updates the pdf based on this information. Therefore, we expect a high probability of correct responses when signal intensity is 0 or 1, and 0.5 correct in the middle (i.e. when test slant = base slant). As far as I know, there is no combination of parameters that I can provide to a single QUEST staircase to generate such a fit, therefore I split the session into 2.
As you suggested, I can recode data from each trial to find the proportion of responses where the test slant was judged to be greater than the base slant. If I do this, I assume I must bin the raw data in order to fit a psychometric and disregard QUEST's threshold estimates, since they're based on response accuracy?
This seems like the best solution, but it still seems to require separating staircases that test test slants greater than the abse slant from those testing test slants smaller than the abse slant. Is this correct?
Many thanks for your help.
--- In psychtoolbox@yahoogroups.com, "Diederick C. Niehorster" <dcnieho@...> wrote:
> Dear Aidan,
> On Fri, Mar 30, 2012 at 21:11, apm909 <aidanmurphy1@...> wrote:
> > What I've done so far is to use separate runs to test either side of the
> > base slant (60°): in one run all test slants are larger than the base slant
> > and in the other run they are smaller than the base slant. (Obviously the
> > order of test and base slant presentation is randomized).
> >
> > This results in 2 separate sets of data that can be plotted as
> > 'probability of a correct response' against 'slant difference', and fitted
> > with psychometric functions that asymptote at y = 0.5 and y = 1.
> >
> Some crucial information about your task is missing from your story, that
> is, what is the task your observers performed. Did they press one key if
> they saw the slant as smaller than the pedestal slant, and another if
> larger? Then you should be able to fit a psychometric function to this data
> directly. If they did a different task, could you recode the responses to
> yield this?
> That said, why did you split up your staircases like this? In my
> understanding. If you want to avoid problems of hysteresis in the response
> strategy, you can simply interleave two identical staircases covering the
> whole range from smaller than base slant to larger than base slant (and
> then combine the data straightforwardly in analysis). However, if you are
> interested in observer's threshold, your tasks makes sense to me (an
> adaptive staircase's estimate of the midpoint of the psychometric function
> converges much faster than itys estimate of the slope).
> One disclaimer: I'm not terribly experienced in this stuff, having only run
> pretty basic discrimination tasks myself. So if somebody with more
> experience finds a whole in my story, please do educate us!
> Hope this is of some help, sorry if it isn't.
> Best,
> Dee