We are having a problem with the WaitSecs() function. we are using
matlab 7 on a windows xp pro computer.
we noticed that when we put a decimal number in that is less that 1
second the waitSecs function returns imediatly.(i.e waitSecs(0.9)
doesnt waait at all) but it works fine when its over 1 second.
to test the problem i created a little test program:
function test1
a = clock;
clock - a
and when I run the program on the old version of matlab(6.5) we get
the following output
0 0 0 0 0 0.9060
but when we run the exact same code on matlab 7 we get
ans =
0 0 0 0 0 0
and there is no delay present.
any idea what could be doing this?
matlab 7 on a windows xp pro computer.
we noticed that when we put a decimal number in that is less that 1
second the waitSecs function returns imediatly.(i.e waitSecs(0.9)
doesnt waait at all) but it works fine when its over 1 second.
to test the problem i created a little test program:
function test1
a = clock;
clock - a
and when I run the program on the old version of matlab(6.5) we get
the following output
>> test1ans =
0 0 0 0 0 0.9060
but when we run the exact same code on matlab 7 we get
ans =
0 0 0 0 0 0
and there is no delay present.
any idea what could be doing this?