Dear Psychtoolbox users,
I have a weird resolution when I connect to a device (it is a spatial light modulator - SLM - , that can be controlled like a monitor through its DVI port) using a DisplayPort to DVI adapter (I think it is a DisplayPort - I spent half an hour trying to figure out whether it is a DisplayPort or an HDMI but I could not figure it out).
Screen('Resolutions',2) reports the correct resolutions (the highest for my device is 1280 x 1024). It is then possible to change it to allowed values, and the resolution displayed in the Intel Graphic control panel changes accordingly. Surprisingly, Screen('Resolution',2) reports a resolution of 1920 x 1536, exactly 1.5 times higher than the one I set and that I can see in the control panel.
The PTB onscreen video then has a gray border.
There is no problem if I use PTB with a different computer, where I can connect directly with the DVI (well, I know it indirectly, through a monitor which I connected both to the laptop and to the other computer: correct resolution with the other computer, 1.5 times wrong with the laptop; I did not yet try to connect the SLM to the other computer).
The easy solution is to send images of 1920 x 1536 pixels to the SLM. But I feel that I have more control on the instrument if I can set the computer to address the correct number of pixels.
Thanks in advance for any help.