Audio volume adjustment

Hi. We are running Psychtoolbox on Windows 10, using PST version 3.0.16, and running into a strange behavior with the audio volume.

Our audio output has two channels, for right and left. We’ve set up a routine to allow the subject to adjust the volume during a scan (fMRI) to a comfortable level. So, they press the response pad buttons to raise or lower the volume until it’s just right. What we have found is that it seems to be turning off the volume on one side. The call to change the volume is:

PsychPortAudio(‘Volume’,pahandle,volumeToSet), where volumeToSet can vary between 0 and 1.

And these changes seem to be carrying through into our main routine, when we set the volume to this level. The subjects comment that they can’t hear from one side.

Any thoughts about what could be causing this? I assume that the right and left ears are both controlled by the master-volume, and they aren’t operating as master and slave.

Thanks in advance for any advice!


Should work as you expect it, they way you seem to use it. Have you cross-checked on some other machine with another sound card? If you need further assistance from myself, you’d need to upgrade to Psychtoolbox 3.0.17 and type PsychPaidSupportAndServices for paid priority support.
